What is a 360 Body Lift?
You followed a diet rigorously and lost all that weight but now you have to deal with excess skin. A tummy tuck aims to eliminate the look of saggy and excess skin and fat around the abdomen area, whereas a 360 body lift expands beyond just a tummy tuck and eliminates the unwanted look of the sides and the back in addition.
Once the patient is properly and carefully sedated, a bikini-shaped incision is made on the lower side of the body to tighten the abdomen, groin, waist, thigh, and buttock in one procedure. A 360 body lift cannot fix obesity and the health problems caused by it, but it can improve the shape of your body and help you achieve a toned figure. Some patients may require liposuction for a more tightened and contoured silhouette.
You are an ideal candidate for a 360 Body Lift if you:
Suffer from extreme soft tissue looseness
Have saggy and excess skin around your abdomen, waist, and buttocks
Want to look more approachable and presentable
Wish to improve your confidence
Are healthy and at a stable weight
Have done your research on the procedure and the possible risks
Recovery periods vary from patient to patient. Most patients require around 6 to 8 weeks for recovery after a body lift. You may return back to a desk job after 1-2 weeks and resume other activities after at least 6 weeks. Your surgeon will prepare a customized post-operative recovery plan based on your procedure and needs.
As the Voila health care team, we will ensure that you have gone through all the necessary health checkups before your surgery, and always be there for you during recovery to ensure you feel your best the whole time.
Aftercare is as important as the surgery itself when it comes to boosting the effects of the procedure.
Quitting smoking and drinking during the healing process are recommended, as smoking and alcohol intake might slow down the healing and potentially affect the surgery results.
Make sure you keep yourself propped up with multiple pillows while lying down or sleeping.
If necessary, your doctor may prescribe you painkillers.
Patience is key. A better you is on the way!