Voila Health Tourism

Eyebrow Transplant

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Eyebrows, the natural extension of many facial features, play a significant role in facial aesthetics, congruity, proportion, structure, and facial balance. Eyebrow hair, together with lashes and hair on the head, is of cosmetic and physical preference. People seek transplants for varying reasons: either out of necessity due to having fewer hair shafts or eyebrows as a result of genetics, damage to the skin, trauma, drugs, endocrine disorders, or atrophied injuries and/or surgical conditions; or by personal preference for a more stylish appearance and improvement in health through eyebrow transplant.

Eyebrow transplant is gaining importance with cosmetic surgeries increasingly across the globe and also in Turkey, where hair transplant surgery is usually the most preferred. An expert’s guidance is a must to educate people exactly prior to making choices about the different processes. This article has been planned to provide a wide introduction to various facial hair transplants and then separately focus on eyebrow hair transplants to evaluate eyebrow transplant at different levels and to help especially those considering eyebrow surgery and to establish precise sources for the procedure, also for professionals. In this eyebrow surgery, standard hair transplant methods such as FUE or DHI can be applied. The hair on the scalp can be used as a donor, or from the body and/or beard.

Eyebrow Transplant Procedure

A surgical procedure, hair transplantation essentially amounts to the harvesting of hair follicles from the donor site and transplanting them onto the scalp where the hair is thinning or has shed completely. Eyebrow transplants are an isolated subset of hair transplants, but are gaining popularity as people look for more permanent solutions for their sparse or thinned-out eyebrows. There are two methods used presently for harvesting the hair follicles: Direct Hair Implantation and Follicular Unit Extraction. The doctor you consult will decide the preferable technique and will usually explain the procedures beforehand.

The rationale behind going into such detail is to clarify misconceptions that patients might have before a surgical procedure. People who are made aware and see the whole process for themselves tend to feel more reassured and confident in the process. A doctor’s experience and expertise also help in getting desired results. In the following subsections, we will detail the entire procedure so that those considering this as a solution for their eyebrow issues will have a clear idea of what is in store for them.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Before the eyebrow transplant begins, it is important that the proper medical history is known by the surgeon. This is to rule out factors that increase the risk of the surgery. It is advised that patients stop smoking or consuming alcohol at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure, as they are known to worsen the outcome of any surgery. Medications should also be stopped if advised by your doctor. This may include over-the-counter medication, such as aspirin, which can increase bleeding and slow down the healing process. In addition to stopping certain medications or substances, not having caffeine 2 days prior to the procedure is also recommended. This information is important for people who are conscious of their caffeine intake and avoid it similarly to aspirin. Eyebrow transplant experts will discuss important aspects with their patients, including the risks of the procedure, what to expect, and how to prepare emotionally for the changes that are going to happen with the new shape of the eyebrows. Ensuring all assessments are correct will directly affect the outcome of the procedure, as the quality of the assessment may alter the patient’s suitability for transplantation. In some cases, it is possible to undergo some form of counseling to increase the likelihood of the surgery being successful if rejected immediately. The quality of the consultation is important, as it can also affect the duration of the preparation phase.

Transplantation Techniques

Various techniques can be employed by surgeons to transplant hair to eyebrows. The most commonly used method is grafting hypertrophic hair follicles from the scalp’s occipital region to the brows. Adult follicles are divided into irritable and terminal hairs. The same hairstyle as the scalp will result if terminal hairs are used, but the same eyebrow style and direction as before the procedure will emerge if irritable hairs are used. Broadly speaking, a variety of methods have been suggested:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):
A strip of skin is extracted from the donor area using a scalpel. A single follicular unit is then microscopically separated from a strip or a number of other units and dissected out of it and exchanged. The remaining skin is closed with stitches utilizing the donor area.

The procedure is executed under local anesthesia.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): The donor’s hair is harvested using an excision instrument to produce round, wound-like scars in the back of the scalp, and the hair is then transferred to the recipient area as an individual unit. Eyebrows are made to appear fuller or more fluorescent using FUE hair transplantation. Each graft hair is histologically analyzed in FUE. There is a specific angle and hair strand form and position for the eyebrow pattern, and receiving similarly directed hair transplants is important for the hair to look proper.

Advantage: The finished result more closely resembles natural hair, so it must be performed meticulously to construct a good eyebrow pattern.

Disadvantage: Because the procedure is performed on the living scalp, several hair strands in the grafts could be negatively affected by hair loss later in life. 
Scaffold-based hair transplant: It usually comes in two types: dermal model and bio-scaffold. Sequentially, sutures are installed on the bridge and near corner 1 along with the existing eyebrows. The material is placed vertically in the uplifted accurate location in which the draw lines were made. Factors affecting the choice: a number of factors will influence the client, such as the physical effect of donor hair and the patient’s wishes and objectives in general help the client to choose the right technique to undergo treatment.

Suitability for Eyebrow Transplant

For most people, eyebrow transplants are suitable. However, you must meet certain criteria. Your hair should be thick and robust, with a minimum density of 2.2 hair follicles per square millimeter. Hairs must be T-shaped for them to be suitable for use in eyebrow transplants. This gives them a distinct shape, darker look, and thicker diameter, which is required for the brows. If you are unsure whether you meet these standards, you can count on a consultation to aid you with an exact result. Other factors you should consider before contemplating transplants for your eyebrows are as follows. You must be physically fit for the treatment, which includes passing a health examination. Some physical and mental health problems may disqualify you from the operation or provide you limited eligibility. It is important to have genuine physiological causes of thin or sparse brows rather than just poor grooming, trimming, over-plucking of the brows, or use of harsh cosmetics. One significant mental criterion that must be met before surgery is that you must be unhappy with the current status of your appearance. A consultation may help you address some lingering doubts or concerns regarding your eligibility or suitability.

Candidate Criteria

Who makes the ideal candidate for eyebrow transplant?

Suitability, candidacy, or the potential scope of the procedure varies from one person to another. However, certain factors or our evaluation criteria can be vague. Generally speaking, you are most likely a good candidate for eyebrow transplantation if you are an adult in good general health with one or more of the following concerns:

Sparse eyebrows:
Many people who seek an eyebrow hair transplant have naturally sparse eyebrows due to genetic components or heredity.

Overplucked eyebrows and eyebrow asymmetry: Some people over-pluck their eyebrows, or by nature, growth above one or both eyebrows may be very sparse, or the eyebrows are not as thick due to less hair density.

Scarring: Either physical injuries or disorders, or psychological disorders can lead to patchy or even complete eyebrow loss. It may also show in the form of hair loss around or surrounding the eyebrow.

Unhappy with shape: Eyebrow hairs can be sparse or missing anywhere. They may be missing at either the outer one-third or two-thirds, or around the middle portion only, and so on. The decision to undergo any transplants needs a clear-cut understanding. Otherwise, they may not be happy. While it can be possible to fine-tune the appearance of an eyebrow using hair transplant techniques, anyone seeking an eyebrow hair transplant will first need to have suitable donor hair from which follicles can be extracted. 
Recovering with realistic goals and expectations: the eyebrow transplant requires time.

Eyebrow transplantation is very individualized.

Some hair loss patients will not make good candidates. It is very important to schedule a thorough consultation with a hair transplant surgeon to evaluate oneself. It is also optimal for future eyebrow hair desires to have a discussion about future hair loss and hair restoration needs. Some of the deciding factors are described below:

Despite the fact that many people are a right fit for such a procedure, not everyone can enjoy the same circumstances, growth, treatment timeline, or final results. In general, ideal candidates for eyebrow transplantation surgery would be individuals who have overplucked, have some degree of naturally thin eyebrows, or who have concerns with loss of eyebrow due to excess waxing or medicated conditions. Although most everyone wants to have a faster healing timeline and be able to wash their face soon after the procedure, the human body truly does not appreciate it and may say, enough is enough! A good signal of correct head hair to the eyebrows is the rate at which the eyebrows grow. Most head hair will grow, on average, about 0.5 inches per month. The hair from the head will also grow progressively for about 3 to 4 years before it goes into a resting phase and then is shed. On the other hand, the eyelash or eyebrow hairs only reach about one-third of this length—about one-third to one-half inch. Moreover, these hairs grow only for a few months to a little over a year in an actively growing shedding phase before they rest and fall out. Therefore, hair taken from the head and correctly placed on the brows may look awkward for a period of time that will seem like an eternity.


Apart from healthy individuals who do not have the above-listed restrictions, eyebrow transplant is not advisable for individuals diagnosed with certain skin diseases, especially active acne and rosacea. This is because the integrity of the newly implanted hair follicles can be compromised in the active areas of inflammation. Moreover, the new hair follicles can also serve as ‘bridges’ for the spread of certain skin infections, even when the infection is situated in a very distant area, such as when the scalp is affected by a fungal infection. Additionally, people diagnosed with active infections in the eyebrow region or with autoimmune diseases should not undergo eyebrow transplant. People suffering from diabetes and thus exhibiting hyperglycemic states in uncontrolled situations or from hemophilia or untreated hypo/hyperthyroidism are not good candidates for a transplant, too. Furthermore, candidates for an eyebrow transplant must be 21 years of age or older and have stable medical conditions. Individuals with scarce to no hair in the eyebrow area can contact a hair restoration surgeon or dermatologist for a professional evaluation to ensure the absence of the above-mentioned contraindicated conditions and thus are good candidates for the procedure based on their medical history. Instead of checking contraindications, prospective candidates must also establish reasonable objectives for an eyebrow transplantation and be aware of the potential impacts and risks correlated with the procedure. Finally, preparing to undergo eyebrow transplants requires improving dietary habits and remaining in good condition for weeks. It is also crucial for possible post-procedural results to talk to the hair restoration surgeon or dermatologist.

Recovery Process

The eyebrow transplant is a minimally invasive procedure, but some things should be taken into consideration. One very important phase is the aftercare and taking care of the eyebrows after the hair transplant. In order to take the right action, you should be informed about what the ancillary costs are and how long the recovery time lasts or how the eyebrows look during the subsequent healing period.
In the first few days after an eyebrow transplant, special heed should be paid to the eyebrows. Immediately after the operation, small crusts form at the places of insertion, which fall out by themselves. This means that the crusts should not be removed independently. Cooling can reduce swelling; in addition, a special antibiotic cream is applied and recommended for them to use. For some, it’s not always easy to bear the swelling without complaining. Due to the small wounds, there may be swellings that will disappear on their own within a few days. Pain normally only occurs in individual cases; if necessary, pain-relief tablets should be taken – without contradiction, of course, and clearly should be from the surgeon’s charge.

Tiny blood crusts form on the hair shafts, and they may appear as spots of ink or blackheads on them. This is nothing to be afraid of, as the crusts fall off after a few days. But if the crusts do not fall off by themselves, they should not be pulled out – this can damage the newly growing hair follicles! The areas from which donor hairs have been taken usually heal within a few days. The stitches are removed after a few days, and an appointment can be made in advance for this purpose following discussions with the responsible doctor. If possible, you should avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. In the healing period, as in the normal growth phase, you ought not to “expose” the eyebrows to ultraviolet rays, i.e., try to avoid the sun. Regular sunbathing, due to its ultraviolet light component, cannot be conducted until after the complete healing phase, i.e., after a few months. Similarly, the use of a solarium should not take place during the healing period in the first few months. Do not cover your eyebrows with film or tinfoil to protect against UV rays. Use a specially designed hat to protect the eyebrows instead. The risk of sunburn will increase if this is not done!

Immediate Post-Op Period

You can expect some swelling on the forehead and light redness around each graft for 3-4 days following an eyebrow hair transplant procedure. This is because the minimum amount of scalp skin that was taken during the procedure for the grafts contains a very minimal amount of salt as a preservative, so when the scalp is moved to the eyebrows, the salt drains off, and for 3-4 days there can be a little swelling around the grafts, the forehead areas, or on the eyelids. This is very annoying for the people who opt to have treatment done incognito, but the puffiness resolves within 3-4 days.

Advisory: Please avoid any impact or trauma to the transplanted area because you don’t want to dislodge grafts. The evening of post-op, or the next day, you as the patient are supposed to wash the area with a mild soap like baby shampoo, spray the wound area repeatedly (minimum of 4 applications) with deionized water, and then apply your post-op healing ointment or gel to avoid the build-up of crusts on the grafted area. The grafted area should be kept grease and crust-free throughout the period of healing. You can clean the skin with makeup foundation to cover the pinkness. You may take a sleeping agent at night. The surgery site and front of the skull may ache, as there are many sensory nerve endings at the forehead. By the fifth day, it is history.

Please do not take vitamin E, aspirin, herbal medications, alcoholic beverages, or smoke 4 days before the surgery and 4 days after the surgery. Using vitamin C can help reduce any bruising by half. Do not use vitamin C on the day of the procedure, as there is less chance of excessive bruising when vitamin C is out of your system for 24 hours. Keep your head elevated for 3 days following the hair restoration surgery. You want to avoid swelling, and it’s best that you get used to sleeping on your back with your head elevated in case there may be any swelling issues.

Long-Term Recovery

The most intense part of the recovery process is behind you. Thereafter, your eyebrows will become inflamed due to regular blood flow (it is normal). Swelling is a minimal to moderate concern at this point. Full results from transplanted hairs usually come a few months after the treatment. Your doctor will schedule post-operative exams for a few months after the surgery. These follow-up exams are essential for you to assess your scalp and hair regrowth so your doctor can evaluate the hair density and healing process. Hair growth has no definite timetable. It can be affected by a range of individual factors including your age, general health, and lifestyle.

Hair loss or texture changes may occur as a result of disease, medications, stress, or other variables. The time it takes for the transplanted hair to root and start to grow is different for everyone. The majority of individuals experience visible hair growing eight to twelve weeks after the surgery, while others may take longer. You must be diligent in your post-operative appointments. During your post-operative exams, you will be taught to care for your new eyebrows. After healing, daily care of your eyebrows is critical to maintain healthy hair. Contact your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your eyebrow restoration. For the most part, your time should not be altered due to the fact that it has been impacted. You may prefer to continue with your immediate reconstructive or cosmetic treatment to help the healing process, in some circumstances.

Aftercare and Maintenance

In addition to the initial care requirements, it is also essential to follow proper aftercare regimens. In the first phase, for instance, washing and moisturizing are necessary for the affected area. Cleaning away exudates and crusts is important to minimize the risk of infections and scarring. Likewise, the transplanted area should not be directly touched; cool compresses should be placed over the forehead areas to reduce swelling during the initial days after the procedure. Finally, avoiding strenuous activity, sweating, and massages on the forehead is necessary for a month after the procedure. In the second phase, a light touch while washing and moisturizing with a cotton swab or pad is recommended to help the growing process. Sometimes, the donor area massage may be recommended depending on the surgeon’s preference to help decrease ingrown hairs. Hypoallergenic makeup or hair dyes are allowed after the first phase, as well as tweezing and shaving to style the eyebrows.

Additionally, it is advisable to follow up with a surgeon when experiencing hairs that are slower to grow or become ingrown. Continued follow-up is important to review the healing process and identify and manage any potential problems. Ongoing care is also an identified issue among individuals receiving other types of cosmetic surgery. The outlook for long-term success and technical results is heavily dependent on the patient’s success at maintaining healthy eyebrow follicles with excellent blood flow. Overall, the combination of good surgical technique and adequate patient aftercare will generate an aesthetically satisfying result. Therefore, the true satisfaction rate among patients may be suboptimal if patients do not consistently carry out proper washing and antibiotic ointment applications because hair growth rate may be affected. Furthermore, those patients may wrongly attribute their suboptimal results to the procedure itself rather than their own lack of adherence to the aftercare routine.

Post-Transplant Care Regimen

Care regimens for the post-transplant period are different all over the world; some doctors do not even recommend any after-transplant care at all, saying that the recipient area is like a healing skin wound, and only those who transplant hair from part of the body will pay attention to care. However, the point of care for new transplant techniques is different and is highly recommended. After the surgery is completed, the assistant will describe the following care in detail, and we will assist clients in developing good care habits to ensure the best implantation effect, but everyone’s growth and degree of adaptation to the body are different. During the first two weeks after the transplantation, physical care does need to be strengthened to avoid and reduce the possibility of infection. In particular, the planting and postoperative care provided by our clinic staff will accelerate the healing process of the newly transplanted hair and ensure the best quality.

Within 3 days, be sure to follow the operation to stop bleeding. Do not wash your face frequently. If you must wash your face, you can clean the operation area with purified water to prevent accidentally rupturing the plant. During the first 4 weeks, you should avoid SPF products and sun or UV light when preoperative, and use the best hat and umbrella to avoid strong direct sunlight or sun exposure before the hair follicles are transferred. Increased blood sugar can cause the circulatory system to work harder. Don’t eat ginger, vinegar, and other foods that are prone to bleeding after surgery, and do not eat spicy food. After surgery, pay attention to personal hygiene. Use a clean towel to gently wet the face to absorb the swelling from the operation. Do not splash water on your face, as this can easily wet the hairline. If you accidentally splash too much water, you must gently press with a cotton pad to prevent the transplanted hair from coming down. According to the actual skin and hair condition, plan the best care for the client.


How safe is an eyebrow transplant?

Just like hair or beard transplants, eyebrow transplants are considered a minor procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. The important thing is to ensure the surgeon is experienced.

What kind of looks can I get from an eyebrow transplant?

Unlike false eyebrows, the aesthetic result of the brow transplant is completely natural. Even someone who uses a computer cannot understand that it is a hair transplant. Since human hair and eyebrows are absolutely the same in structure, they grow just like the ones on the body.

How are the expectations set for post-procedure eyebrow aesthetics?

The patient should ask for the doctor’s advice, both before and during the procedure, regarding the thickness, length, and shape in accordance with their face. Each person coming in for an eyebrow transplant might have questions revolving around all aspects of pre-and post-transplant details and expected outcomes. Such questions are of a variable nature and depend on the concerns of each individual patient. Common concerns include the expected postoperative appearance, the uniform matching of natural eyebrows, the waiting time for the results of the brow, the profile of the surgeon, and ethical integrity.

Can eyebrow transplants hurt during or after the procedure?

Pain is highly subjective and varies by individual. For an eyebrow hair transplant, a tumescent local anesthetic is injected to minimize potential discomfort, and the procedure is further painless. After the effect wears off, moderate discomfort is to be expected in the donor and recipient areas for a couple of days. Over-the-counter medications can reduce this dull, aching, or sore feeling. As the newly transplanted hairs knit into their new home, itching can occur. A scab may form over each new hair follicle, which will flake off a week following the procedure.

Are there any risks?

Potential complications of an eyebrow hair transplant include infection, ingrown hairs, scarring, tenderness, hair cysts, or, in the long run, unattractive scarring. Choosing an experienced surgeon can limit these risks. However, upon researching a clinic or doctor, it is advisable that a patient checks what has been previously stated and that he or she also had safe procedures performed.

What results can I realistically expect?

Aside from hair-growing disorders, the results of an eyebrow transplant are entirely successful. They may exceed expectations and may be customized according to the patient’s goals. However, that image cannot be accurately manifested in detail because of the element of unpredictability in the results. The direction of the transplanted hair, the number of hairs that snap, and the degree of density all play a role. The method of sliding the upper dermis all the way to the lower epidermis to give a wider wound heals unseen, enclosed in the upper dermis, setting the gold standard for transplant growth for any facial hair.

How long will I have to wait for noticeable results?

New hair growth will be visible in 3 to 6 months. After that point, a steady pace of growth will continue. Full results require about 9 months to 1.5 years to gain. By the first birthday of the transplant, the eyebrows will look proper, with little further change afterward.