Voila Health Tourism

Achieving Your Dream Look with Brazilian Butt Lift

Among the most renowned aesthetic surgeries now, the Brazilian Butt Lift is one of them. It goes on with its frequency, increasing as years go by. A plastic surgeon or aesthetic physician will do this, and it aims to beautify the gluteal region, giving more roundness to the buttocks. And many times, it’s good for the waistline too.

BBL surgery might offer one a more proportionate figure and give the contour of your body that curvaceous shape one has always wanted. Goals from a BBL are the same: to balance the size of the lower body with the upper body for a more proportional appearance and to restore those lost curves and shapes through age, weight fluctuation, or lifestyle.

Having the body of their dreams can be quite exciting for many people. Deciding on cosmetic surgery requires some downtime and time to think. Like every important decision you make, it’s essential to understand the benefits you might get and also some risks. Now, it’s time to look at yourself and figure out what you really expect from the surgery. Here, you must remind yourself that a Brazilian Butt Lift is targeted to enhance your shape and at giving your body a more proportionate shape; it is not targeted to bring about a severe reduction in your body weight. However, in cases where loose skin is excessive, abdominoplasty combined with a Brazilian Butt Lift can be performed on such patients. Again, persons who are overweight with excess skin and whose major concern is their weight should not consider the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Common Butt Shapes

Butt shapes are as unique as the individuals they belong to and generally fall into the categories of round, square, heart-shaped, and oval. Before deciding on the best shape for you, it’s important to first become familiar with the most common types of derrière to start developing an understanding of the characteristics that are possible or typical and how an enhancement procedure can work hand in hand with your current shape to help you achieve a look you would like to pursue. The most common type of butt shape, the round butt, appears symmetrical from most angles and is full, soft, and perky. The divide between each cheek is pronounced, and volume is even. Round-shaped bottoms tend to have the most satisfying aesthetic result after an enhancement procedure. The square butt features a straight line across the bottom and typically does not have a pronounced difference between the hips and the butt cheeks. Square-shaped bottoms tend to sit lower on the hips and can make the waist look larger.

Heart-shaped butts are plump and rounded, but whereas the round-shaped butt just looks like a full circle, the heart shape has a distinct top that flows back into the torso nicely. Heart-shaped butts generally have a small width at the top, expanding outward into the curve of the butt shape. The heart-shaped form closely resembles or is described as the inverted triangle shape due to its tapering appearance at the top. Oval-shaped butts are characterized by a plump rear with a noticeable crease in the middle of the bottom cheeks. The top portion of the bottom typically appears somewhat unsuspecting overall; not as dramatically plump as a round, square, or heart-shaped butt. Because of these differences, the body’s overall shape might experience some changes with augmentation procedures. In addition, cultural differences might affect body type preferences in different countries. Thus, it is important to consider the overall body proportions with this procedure. It is for these reasons we highly recommend recognizing one’s unique bottom shape and always analyzing one’s anatomy in all views before deciding what shape you may potentially find attractive for yourself. Local fat areas that can be barrel-shaped might lend the opportunity to take on a new shape. Visually, when identifying butt shapes, remember that proportions can be the deciding factor. Using physical traits to narrow down to the closest category will give you a good start when decoding butt shapes for yourself.

Choosing Your Desired Butt Shape

Given that the BBL is essentially custom-tailored to you and your preferences, there are several factors you will need to weigh before moving forward. First, you will need to pick which butt shape you would like to achieve. The best butt shape for you will ultimately come down to a matter of personal preference. However, some shapes may be easier to achieve based on your anatomical proportions. Most people have a natural shape already there, so we try to work with it. Those who don’t usually find it difficult to achieve certain shapes. Your anatomical proportions may limit or guide you in the best shape choice. Keep in mind that you should only select a size and shape that looks proportional to your body frame and is natural-looking, as large butt augmentations attract attention for a variety of the wrong reasons, plastic-like and being at the top of the list.

Before selecting the best fit for you, simply take the time to look over various butt shapes, and pay attention to the different butts you see out there on the street or in the media. This can be a fun activity in its own right and will help you narrow down your own personal aesthetic and anatomical preferences. Another consideration to think about while recovering various butt shapes is how busy your schedule and lifestyle are. Finally, some shapes may come with an increased risk for certain issues, such as inverted creases, nobbling, sagging, etc. Part of the consultation process with medical professionals will be going over risk factors, complications, and your overall health. Therefore, choosing a butt shape to pursue may be a decision you should work out beforehand to determine if it aligns with your risk tolerance.

The Importance of Massage After Brazilian Butt Lift Operation

As well as for all operations, massage is also considered important for the first 2-3 weeks after the Brazilian butt lift operation. Massage reduces swelling by providing the discharge of the irregularly settled oil, bleeding, and gas into the treated area or blood circulation in your body into the lymphatic system. Moreover, massage accelerates the healing period by surfacing the fat cells that remain open and irregular after this operation. The body is protected by increasing the blood circulation throughout the session. You may start to have your masseur’s gentle massage on the second day after the operation.

Massage has an accelerating effect on recovery. Sudden swelling, bleeding, and pain complaints may emerge in zones that didn’t heal well. Although massage time may vary, it lasts a maximum of 20-25 minutes. If the person is tired, they may continue after a break for five minutes, but generally, this much time is sufficient. Starting from the second week, massage may also be performed at sports and wellness centers approved by your surgeon. Thereafter, if time is suitable, you can get 2-3 sessions of slight oil massage after the lymphatic massage; this supports the massage you had and will provide re-formation of your skin. A postoperative massage should be included in your Brazilian butt lift planning to maintain both your health and the shape. By doing so, not only will your complaints be relieved more quickly, but you will also better protect the resulting shape. You can prepare yourself for the recovery process after the Brazilian butt lift operation with both lymphatic massage and maintenance massage.

Brazilian Butt Lift at Voila Health

Ready to enhance your curves and boost your confidence? Voila Health is here to guide you every step of the way! Whether you’re curious about a Brazilian Butt Lift or need expert advice on post-surgery massage services, our team is just a consultation away. Best of all, it’s completely free! Get in touch with Voila Health today and let us help you achieve the results you’ve always dreamed of—because you deserve to look and feel your best!